Setting the Bar High: How Manners Matter in Home Business


Good manners will take you places you can’t get to any other way!

It’s true, folks, and we in the home business industry need to be the ones who personify this more than anyone else.

We work in a noble industry.  This industry is full of people who were drawn to it for greater purpose and in pursuit of dreams which can’t ever be fulfilled in a traditional JOB.  We become better people the longer we are in this industry.

But ask yourself this….Are you seeing a decline in our culture in both integrity and just plain old good manners?  I know I am.  I’ve seen a deterioration of our American culture on a scale I never imagined was possible.

For example, how often do you leave a message on a voicemail or send an email to never receive a response?  My guess is that you’re finding that an all-to-common reality.

What does that say?  Does it mean that you’re not doing a good job in your business?

The answer to the first question is that our society no longer sees a duty to others.  For example, if you reach out to someone at their place of employment on something related to the JOB, the chances are good that you’ll get a return call or return email.  Most people feel an obligation to respond because it is EXPECTED of them.  Heck, they might lose their jobs if they don’t respond.  So fear of loss motivates them.  Only rarely nowadays does integrity for their duties obligate them on the job.

How do we know that’s true?

Because the answer to the second question is that you are doing the correct things in your business.  People not returning calls and emails is a signal that, in their personal lives, their senses of obligation and courtesy have been eviscerated.  If they still had those things, they’d return your call or your email because it would be rude not to.  And they’d have the courtesy, too, to be honest if they aren’t going to show up to an appointment or if they had to change plans they made with you.

So what should your response be?


First,  you have to set the bar.  And you have to set it high.

Be the one who returns phone calls no matter who calls you.  Be the one who responds to invitations and emails.  Be the one who takes time to answer phone calls, too, without finding out first what the person wants.

Second, go out of your way to be kind and courteous in your business role and your personal life.  This is more important than you realize.  Watch my blog for a post that will help you refine your understanding of why.

The final thing to understand is the power of expecting to be treated by others the way you want to be treated.  We teach people how to treat us.  If you have manners and courtesy, you’ll attract those who do also, and you’ll build a business beyond imagining because it’s built with people of integrity.

Sometimes you’ll feel like you’re contorting yourself to keep above the bar.  Be the one to set the pace for how high people around you think it’s possible to jump…and achieve their dreams.

Nothing changes if nothing changes, folks.  Start by changing yourself with your attitude and your actions.  Then watch as you find those who have your same attitude.

Go act on this, folks.  And don’t forget to go light your lamp.

God bless.


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