Christians, Christian Home Business and Yoga

Christian home businesses are started by people in love with Our Lord.  Christians would never intentionally engage in demonic activities.

But I’m seeing a disturbing trend that poses a significant spiritual danger to all Christian home business owners, especially those in the fitness and wellness industries.

What trend is on the rise?

Christian home businesses for women target issues like our obsession with weight loss to pull women into programs that incorporate yoga practices.  Or in the name of weight loss or in the guise of fitness, Christian women begin yoga classes.

I’ve seen this pattern in women I know personally.  A close friend of mine from my days as a practicing attorney began doing yoga to deal with her back problems and lose weight.  I watched her change as a person moving more and more away from Christian beliefs, practices, and people.  These changes are subtle and insidious like yoga itself.

Or I see people across social media holding themselves out as Christians and arguing that you can separate the fundamental Hindu worship aspects of yoga from the exercise benefits.

No Christian home business for women or Christian home business for men will ever be more successful or sustainable than the fidelity of the souls who run them.

What is the reality of Yoga for Christian Home Businesses?

The fundamental reality is that yoga is, at its core, a Hindu worship practice.  Whether you intend to worship Hindu gods or not, taking part in a practice that is part and parcel of Hinduism opens you up to the demonic.

The Church has come out strongly against yoga for years, and there is dramatic evidence that it is not compatible in any way with Christianity.  Rather than repeat some of the best information, take a look at this video for a great overview of the issue of yoga and related demonic doorways every Christian should avoid.

If you are running a Christian home business, chances are you came into this field to give you and your family freedom and choices consistent with your belief.  I submit that every Christian has an obligation to eradicate any potential for the demonic to encroach upon our homes, our lives, and our souls.  And we have an obligation to tell others who may be ignorant of the danger.

Your hard work to build a residual income for yourself and your family and live in accordance with your Christian beliefs is all for naught if you lose your soul.  Our ultimate goal has to be to get to heaven.

If you want a Christian home business that will never violate your beliefs as a Christian, contact me.

God bless.

2 thoughts on “Christians, Christian Home Business and Yoga

  1. Boots Sargis says:

    It’s me Boots Lynne. You are amazing! I hope you get some responses on this. I always heard that yoga is dangerous, but never understood why. Thank you for the explanation.

    • Lynne Thomas says:

      You’re welcome, Boots! Feel free to share with your friends. We need to get the word out.

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