How to Know if You Are A Blogger

How to Know if You Are A Blogger

Discernment of your own gifts and abilities is key to success in any industry.

But lack of discernment can be deadly in the home business industry.

That’s especially true because we have to discern out talents in a way that maximizes them and minimizes our weaknesses or we end up spending money and spinning our wheels.

Think of it this way.

If you have struggled your entire life with being able to compose coherent sentences that are not full of misspellings, structure errors, and punctuation mistakes, you probably wouldn’t have a lot of confidence in your ability to generate a professional piece of content in the form of a blog post. So if you spent hours, weeks, and maybe months studying blogging to take you from a competence level of 2 to a competence level of 4, you’ve doubled your degree of strength. But you haven’t actually moved the needle on your ability to produce a professional piece of content.

In contrast, if you have a dynamic personality and are good at oral presentation of information, you’d rock at creating even the most basic videos. You might start out with a competence level of 6 when you’re a novice, but practice and watching what other skilled video marketers do would shoot you quickly to a competence level of 8 or 9. That is powerful marketing.

In the first scenario, you’ve spent precious time and no doubt financial resources finding out that blogging is not your skill set. In the second scenario, you used your phone or your laptop, you practiced, and you watch free videos from top marketers to make the most of the skill set you have with great success and very little (if any) financial outlay.

So discerning our strengths and playing to those strengths early on in a marketing career cuts down on you frustration, potential failure rate, and financial drain.

To know if you are a good candidate to make blogging part of your professional marketing strategy, ASK YOURSELF SOME KEY QUESTIONS:

  1. How much do I ENJOY writing? If you don’t enjoy writing, blogging is only going to be a task that you avoid and ultimately probably won’t be that great at doing. We excel the most at things we enjoy and for which we have some natural ability.
  2. If I ask 3 of my closest friends to review a piece of content I wrote, would they tell be able to explain easily the information from the blog post? If you write a post that might as well be Swahili, what have you actually accomplished?
  3. What do you want to accomplish with blogging? Just having a blog is not going to generate money or leads. You have to be willing to invest the time to be successful and have a strategy for how to use your blog. If you do, though, it is a tremendous powerhouse for your business.
  4. Do you have a way to get the tools you need without jeopardizing your finances? This is a key question because anyone can set up a blog, but not everyone can run one successfully. And even fewer make real money or generate real leads with theirs. Finding the right platform and venue to host your blog or support you with training and tools is critical.

If you think you are a blogger or are pretty sure you want to be, you’ll want to take advantage of the free training I’m making available tonight. Click HERE to register.

Your home business is too important not to discern your strengths and maximize them.

If you’re meant to be a blogger, I wish you great success!!

God bless.


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