Being Congruous in Your Biz and Personal Life Grows Your Biz


Being Congruous in Your Biz and Personal Life Grows Your Biz


Have you ever watched a ballet dancer and wondered at her grace and harmony?

Maybe you’re wondering right now what that has to do with building a home business.

Well I’m here to tell you that you can learn something as a home business builder from the world of ballet.

My personal history as a ballet dancer made it easy for me to understand the importance of congruence between your personal life and business life.  I’ll pass on some credit here to a friend of mine in online marketing, Diane Hochman.  She introduced the idea to me, and some things really clicked.

I’m even being humble enough to share one of my early ballet pictures with you!


If you keep up with my blog posts, you know that I’m on a mission to help you find that thing for which you search most.  Maybe you’re searching for financial answers.  Maybe you’ve got health issues.

Either way, you’re on a stage.  The performance is your life, and you deserve center stage with the applause that comes with it.

So how do you achieve performance ready in your business?  Congruence is key.

Think about what goes into a ballerina being performance ready.  She has to live, breath, eat, and sleep ballet.  She has to work incredibly hard to train her body so that things become automatic.  Her moves become the essence of grace.

And she has to have that grace flow from the inside out.  Have you ever met a dancer and said…there’s just SOMETHING about her!  You can almost always spot a dancer by the way she walks and holds herself.  She internalizes the grace and the symmetry she seeks to perfect.  And she knows who she is.

I’m not claiming here that a ballerina who is performance ready is a perfect person.  Quite the contrary.  But I am claiming that her mind, her actions, her life, and her body are congruent with her stated goal of being a professional ballerina.  There is harmony and balance to her entire life.  That’s why she’s a success every time she takes the stage….and recognizable for who she is OFF the stage.

Well, in business we can translate this so beautifully.

You can’t become that which you despise.

If you despise people calling you to try to sell you something or share something important to them, then your attitude is not congruent with your business.  The next time you get one of those calls, handle it in a way that shows you value what that person is doing.  You don’t have to buy their service or product, but don’t be defensive or just hang up.

Are you planning to work online as well as the old-fashioned way?


Then you might want to look at the messages you put out on your website, Facebook page or wherever.  Are you sending a consistent message that clearly communicates not only your brand but what you are trying to promote?  Can people look at you and see who and what you WANT them to see?

Maybe you need some help here.  I’m launching a Facebook group that’s designed to work through this and any number of issues for people wanting to build.

Join my Facebook group HERE.  We’re starting on October 7, so check it out.

The other key is that you have to be a person of integrity.

You can’t live long enough to outlive your reputation.

In the home business industry, you will become known for your actions in your business life.  Those actions must always and everywhere be above board.  If your business actions are not congruent with the actions in your personal life, people will sense a discrepancy and not be drawn to you.

That’s not the best reason to practice integrity, but it is an outcome of not having congruity between your personal practices and your business practices.

Your business will grow as you improve on the stage of your life.

Get in touch with me and let me know where you feel like you’re stumbling or missing steps to have congruence.  Check out my new Facebook group.  Maybe you’re ready to be the lead in your own life.

God bless, and don’t forget to go light your lamp!

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