Picking Prospects… And Not Getting Lost in the Orchard

lynnetI’ve been in and around Wisconsin all of my life. If you haven’t been there in the fall during apple harvesting, you’ve missed an opportunity to experience the best apples in the world.

My grandmother used to make the best apple pies and apple sauce. She always knew exactly which apples to use for what purpose, and she knew when they were at the exact point of ripeness to be beyond delicious.

There’s a trick to knowing when to pick the apples, what apples to pick for each recipe, and when the picked apples are ready to prepare.

Working a network marketing business is very much life picking apples.

You have to recognize first that there is an entire orchard of apples.

Too many network marketers focus on one tree…and then even get stuck on one apple on that tree. The marketer thinks working the one apple in front of him makes it ripen more quickly because surely the attention will help produce the desired result!

The opposite is true.

Apples on trees ripen in their own time. Some trees in the same orchard mature more quickly to produce abundant fruit ready to harvest, and random apples on the same tree will ripen before others.

apple orchardPeople are like apples. Timing matters. An unripe apple today may be ready tomorrow.

The job of the professional marketer is to move through the orchard consistently looking for the apples that are ready. This not only makes your job so much easier, it also exposes you to the greatest number of apples. This, in turn, statistically increases the likelihood that your timing at any tree will coincide with at least some apples being ripe on that tree.

If you can’t see the orchard, climb down, step back, and look around. We all live within large orchards. Only you are limiting yourself to one tree and the apples on that tree that may not yet be ready.

And don’t keep working on an apple that isn’t yet ripe. Even my grandmother knew that strategy would ruin her recipes. Working on unripe apples drains your network marketing battery and may destroy the good will of the apple in question.

My grandmother understood that each apple has a purpose. Each apple is best suited for that purpose. Our job as a professional marketer is to help each person we encounter in our orchards find his or her purpose. It is not about us. It is about them.

Good luck in your orchard. And don’t forget to go light your lamp!

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