A Book Review of “Lead…. for God’s Sake”


In my over 23 years experience in business, I’ve found that there is very little that separates truly successful people from those who work but fail to achieve real temporal success.

What separates them is their ability to master leadership.

But the problem is that leadership is misunderstood by people. To help you understand a core principle that’s going to allow you to progress in your business, I wanted to share a book recommended to me by one of the most successful couples in home business, Joe and Carol Felger.

The book is entitled “Lead…for God’s Sake! A Parable for Finding the Heart of Leadership” by Todd G. Gongwer.

You can take a look at the book.

In true parable fashion, the book takes you through the journey of discovery by two men who think that they understand leadership. One is a seemingly successful businessman. The other is a basketball coach with a track record of success. We see how God uses one man to show them the keys to leadership.


Leadership is not a choice. It is a decision. But true leaders are the success stories. –Lynne M. Thomas, JD

I liked a lot of things about this book in general. It is an easy but powerful read. And it puts you into real life situations so that almost everybody can see themselves in some part of the story. You can’t walk away without finding some part of yourself that you need to tweak to be the leader that will drive your home business and personal success.

Notice that I mentioned both business and personal success.

You can’t be a successful leader in just one of those. You’ll either be successful in both or neither long-term, in my opinion.

But the real gem of this book is that it has a bonus for you.

If you are building a business, you’ve got to learn to tell your story in a powerful way. You do that, in part, by READING books that show you how to tell a story. This one does that in spades.

You can order a copy for yourself by clicking here.

Please let me know if you get help from it after reading it.

God bless, and don’t forget to go light your lamp!


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